
Animation Quick Look: Mother Up

Welcome to animation quick look. This installment is a little early as I am going out of town for a bit and don’t know if I’ll be able to watch anything and post while I’m gone. If that’s the case, look for the next post in the first week of July. Anyways, Mother Up is…


Animation Quick Look: Kill La Kill

Welcome to the latest edition of Animation Quick Look! It’s actually been awhile since I’ve watched an anime, and I’ve had this on my “to watch” list for awhile, so it seemed like a good a time as any. In Kill La Kill, how well you do in Honnouji Academy determines everything. Your general social…


Animation Quick Look: G.I. Joe: Renegades

Welcome to Animation Quick Look! You know the drill, I watch something animated, tell you if it’s shit or not. Ah the ever popular reboot of a show kids these days probably have no clue about. G.I. Joe Renegades cuts down the number of “Joes” pretty drastically (though ridiculous names like “Breaker” & “Lift Ticket”…