Always Sunny In Philadelphia – Mac and Dennis Buy A Timeshare
157! That’s so bad! 157 units of stress are really bogging Charlie down. He needs some kind of super berries to get him out of this rut. Luckily for him that’s exactly what Dee is selling. Dee’s gotten roped into a pyramid scheme (or as she would call it a “reverse funnel system”), and Charlie buys into it 100%. He just seems to have a hard time grasping that you’re not supposed to EAT the berries, you’re supposed to sell them. Mac and Dennis laugh off Charlie and Sweet Dee’s stupidity and go to a timeshare presentation for the free golf clubs.
Of course Mac and Dennis are also stupid enough to buy into this program. Dennis follows the presenter’s lead and figures himself to be the genius of the situation. It doesn’t take the whole gang long to figure out their respective schemes are nonsense. They get this pearl of advice from Frank, who’s stuck in a coil of playground equipment in his underwear. It’s never explained why he’s there, and that helps add to the hilarity. Everybody in the group, besides Frank, decides it’d be for the best if they leave Frank stuck in the coil and squeeze him for advice whenever is convenient.
Charlie and Dee hold a presentation hoping to sell their shares of Invigaron to returning character, Ben the Soldier. The only other attendant is DA MANIAC, played by Rowdy Roddy Piper. They have a video presentation for the pair, which goes about as well as you’d expect from the gang. Both Charlie and Dee went behind each other’s backs to do re-edits, and what’s left is a video where nothing is coherent besides Charlie straight telling them it’s a pyramid scheme. Ben doesn’t buy in and leaves, but Da Maniac is in. Only instead of buying in, he just steals the Invigaron berry juice.
Mac and Dennis also decide to hold a presentation to sell their timeshares. They hold a presentation specifically FOR Ben the soldier. Dennis’ hope is to trigger Ben the soldier’s alleged PTSD, so he’s left more vulnerable to buy in. Somehow Da Maniac makes it to this meeting as well. When Dennis tries triggering Ben’s PTSD it instead triggers Da Maniac’s special brand of insanity and he trashes the apartment. Da Maniac, of course, wants in on the timeshare scheme. Only he seems to be under the impression that the timeshare is actually Dennis and Mac’s apartment. So he’s staying there.
Trying a more direct approach, Dee and Charlie bought night vision gear and stage a raid on Ben the soldier’s apartment to….trigger his PTSD. The Reynold siblings have such a fantastic bond of awfulness. They break in only to find Mac and Dennis dressed as terrorists showing Ben old war movies to no avail. Ben won’t crack. It’s here the gang figures out who was behind the whole scheme, Frank. Of course he isn’t actually stuck in the coil. They head to the original timeshare/invigaron presenter’s place and opt out of their respective contracts. Dennis is the genius of the situation again, even though opting out costs 2 grand and he bought in for $1400. Then the mastermind of the whole scheme is revealed to be…..Da Maniac! The gang is still somehow sure that Frank is making out like a bandit through this whole thing and figures he’s out laughing his ass off somewhere. The episode ends with Frank stuck in his underwear while kids play all around him. Hardly a better way to end a show than Danny Devito in his underwear around children.
This is the second week that I’ve laughed as hard at an episode as I have in a few years. Da Maniac was a great returning guest, and Frank’s constant playground dilemma throughout kept this always funny. I give this episode a four and half stars out of five.
The League – Rafi and Dirty Randy
This episode opens with a great, crazy, The Shield-like scene wherein a couple guys murder Spaz, played very briefly by Jorma Taccone. Rafi finds out he was killed and is outraged and immediately seeks out Dirty Randy, the always great Seth Rogen. The two decide that it’s time for some vigilante justice. So, obviously this episode is going to be amazing. The title is Rafi and Dirty Randy. The two most insane characters on this already insane show. The League usually has the most completely ridiculous, unbelievable, insane dialogue in any television show out there. Dirty Randy and Rafi take all that zaniness and just amp it up by 100. The entire show could just be the two of them talking to each other in a basement and I’m sure I’d laugh my ass off the whole time.
The pair take a road trip to LA in Kevin’s car that Rafi had stolen. Someway they make it, even though they spend most of the trip either asleep at the wheel, or hanging out on the hood of the car, steering with a rope tied to the wheel.
“Rafi – I had the craziest dream. I dreamt that we were driving the wrong way on the highway and caused a huge accident.
Dirty Randy – Oh no, that actually happened.
Rafi – Really?! Holy shit!
Dirty Randy – Yeah, I didn’t want to wake you though, you looked so peaceful.”
They make it to the hotel where Spaz was staying. Randy asks Rafi to take care of the car while he interrogates the clerk. Rafi takes that as burn the car. They end up at the police station, because as it turns out, it’s illegal to burn a car. Even when you’re destroying evidence from crimes! They’re let go mostly because the cops can’t handle Randy and Rafi’s insane posturing. They’re convinced that the Batman films are documentaries. They follow a lead to a strip club and want to investigate every “clue” in the building. Also, how hilarious is it that Rafi thought The Accused was a romantic comedy?
“This place is nice!” “Yeah it is, I’m glad you wore your nice flip flops!”.
They ultimately discover the man behind their friends’ murder is a professional pornographer, Chuck Falcon played by Kevin Nealon. Their plan to get into Chuck’s kids’ birthday party is to pose as gay parents to an 11 year old girl. The 11 year old girl is named “Candy” a grown little person covered in tattoos, played by Bridget the Midget. When the duo confront Chuck Falcon, he offers them a deal in porn. Thinking they’re on the same page Rafi happily agrees while Randy takes out his gun and shoots Chuck in the chest. They take over the mansion and continue making porn holding everyone hostages with their pistols. Where did the kids go anyway?! Rafi and Randy have some more differences of opinion, and can only really agree with one thing: the only way to solve their problems is to have a duel. They duel and in typical Rafi/Randy fashion actually start shooting around “8”. Rafi ends up dropping dead and…what the fuck Rafi drops dead?! The episode ends a year and one day later with Kevin seeing a message on his computer from Rafi telling him to avenge his murder. Kevin closes his laptop.
Is that real?! Rafi’s fucking dead?!? No way, this isn’t the fucking Game of Thrones. It’s so hilarious and sad at the same time. The character is so insane I’m glad he was given such a grand send off if it was real. Nobody can be that crazy and not die in a duel. As I said earlier, this is one episode that I was destined to love from the very start. I give it five stars out of five.