
Mad Men Season 7 Character Studies Part 1!

Mad Men, the show that does not give a fuck. At the conclusion of Season 6, the SCP partners had put Don on an open ended leave of absence, because even though he’s the main protagonist of the show, he’s also a scumbag that fucks anyone and drinks anything, and for the first time there…


The Walking Dead S4E8 Review, “Too Far Gone”

Chaos can be at once beautiful and completely destructive.  Chaos captured on film (when done well) is equal parts confusion and intrigue.  The mid-season finale of season 4 of The Walking Dead was all of the above, while still eliciting a tinge of the infuriating frustration that it had previously achieved in past seasons. I’m…


The Walking Dead S4E7 Review, “Dead Weight”

It’s a topic I’ve often pondered: how would a serial killer fare during the zombie apocalypse? Is he a mass murderer capitalizing on the lack of law enforcement, or is he just super practical? This week’s episode missed the mark for me.  I appreciate the direction the show is moving, and am generally satisfied with…


Walking Dead S4E6 Review, “Live Bait”

As some faithful readers may recall, my review of last week’s installment of TWD had it positioned among the best the series has produced thus far.  Everything that holds the show back (dialogue that would never be spoken by actual humans, retreading the same plot beats ad nauseum, forgetting that zombies are what makes a…


The Walking Dead S4E5 Review, “Internment”

Hot damn, what a fantastic episode! This was one of my favorite episodes of the series so far.  The show is at its best when it focuses on telling the story of a few people trying to survive the zombie apocalypse, and combines that with classic elements of horror.  The show loses the audience when…


The Walking Dead S4E4 Review, “Indifference”

As an unapologetic supporter of the Walking Dead comic series, I constantly find myself desperately WANTING to like this show.  Even during the fallow period of Season 2, which is pretty much 100% undefendably horrible, I still had an intense desire for the show to be great in order to prove to people that it…